Most website owners have at least some level of awareness that Googles’ search index is built on a search algorithm that allows it to rank a website according to its relevance to the end user. If you operate a website and rely on the traffic received from Google, then it’s always in your own self […]
The Importance of Search Engine Optimization
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, in simple terms is the process of getting traffic to your website or web property from the organic or natural search results on the various search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo).
This “organic” traffic comes from what is considered the primary search result and is separate from the paid listings that will also show on the search results page. Where your web page is placed in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Page) is determined by certain search algorithms constructed by the various search engines.
The search engine algorithm includes numerous and various factors that can be measured up against your web page to give the search engines an indication to how relevant your site is to the search engine user. Simply stated, the more relevant your web page is to what the user is searching for, according to the search engine algorithm, then the higher your page will appear in the search results.
Of course the ultimate aim of any web page or web property, in terms of natural or organic traffic, is to gain page one listings on the SERPs. This is how natural or “free” traffic can be maximized.
Generally speaking SEO can be separated into two fundamental areas...
“On-Page” and “Off-Page” search engine elements.
On-Page SEO is the process of optimizing all of those elements and content that make up your web page. Unlike Off-Page SEO, On-Page SEO gives you a real level of control over what can make your web page more attractive and relevant to the search engines.
Some of the On-Page elements that can be tweaked in terms of SEO include strategically written content, proper use of headline tags, using properly tagged images, strategic use of page tiles and descriptions, “siloing” the content structure of your website, using efficient and “clean” coding, correctly interlinking the various articles and content on your website, and maximizing the page load speeds.
Off-Page SEO is all those SEO elements and activities that take place “off” your web page or website that has some relation or relevance to your page or site. The sum of these off-page SEO activities can add the weight of relevance, importance, authority, and/or popularity to your web page, and have a bearing on your listing in the natural search results.
Some Off-Page SEO elements and activities include third-party web page and properties linking back to your page (known as backlinks or backlinking), which can be gained from other websites offering “natural” or unsolicited links to your web page, being active on “do-follow” forums, directory and business listings, press release submission, or even “guest blogging” on other websites.
Other off-page SEO factors can potentially impact on your web page relevance include social media activity such as Facebook likes and shares, Twitter mentions and re-Tweets. Being active on the various social media channels is becoming an increasingly important off-page SEO factor.
SEO in 2017 should be all about being active in the various “white-hat” SEO methods. “Black-hat” SEO techniques and search engine manipulation is a thing of the past and should be avoided.
Is Your On-Page SEO Up to Date?
Getting your on-page SEO factors just right is sometimes quite a challenge. Just when you think you’re on top of it, Google throws a spanner in the works by changing their ranking algorithm. In many ways the only thing we can be sure of in terms of SEO is that it is in a constant […]
Help, My Business is a Victim of Negative SEO!
So we’ve all heard about SEO and how a well run SEO campaign can have a positive impact on your search results and your website traffic. Of course this can be fantastic for your website, but with good can come bad. There can be a dark side to SEO manipulation. This is commonly known as […]
What all Site Owners Need to Know About Optimizing Images
There are many ways in which we can optimize our web site and web pages. I’m sure that most savvy website owners know of and understand the importance that SEO plays in making our web pages relevant and attractive to the search engines. However there is one aspect of proper SEO that is often overlooked […]
SEO or Clicks? Who Wins the War in Your Title Tags and Headlines?
One of the most important elements on a webpage is the page title. The aim of the page title is twofold: one, is to allow the search engines to know precisely what the page is about which allows for better classification within their indexes, and two, it should entice the visitor to click and read […]
10 SEO Tips Especially for Local Business
A retailer makes money by getting traffic through the door. The more traffic through the door, the more sales, the more profit. Let’s face it, you can’t sell to an empty shop no matter how good the product is… The same principle applies to a website, and it doesn’t matter if the purpose of the […]
7 Ways to Get Backlinks in 2015 the Easy Way
It wasn’t that long ago that getting a heap of backlinks for your site was a surefire path to search engine success. The amount of weight Google gave to this factor within their search algorithm was quite astonishing. It meant that anyone willing to “game” the system could end up ranking reasonably easily for highly […]
Avoid the Expense of Making These SEO Boo-Boos
Here at Marketing Assault we understand the importance of engaging in good, solid SEO strategies. Laying that solid foundation can really help push your website ahead of your competitors and dramatically improve your traffic profile. Good SEO should be looked upon as an imperative ingredient to marketing your online business. That’s why we decided to […]
5 Important Tips for Link Building in 2015
Link building has long been considered a staple of an overall SEO strategy. In fact it was once considered that building backlinks was the perfect way to manipulate the search engines into higher rankings… But, that was then and this is now! The truth is that Google doesn’t look kindly upon those practices that are […]
What Are The Local Search Ranking Factors That Need Our Attention Now!
There are a stack of SEO and search results ranking experts out there. Just do a Google search and you’ll find everyone and their dog is an expert, and offering the services to boot! The truth is this number is highly inflated. SEO can be a tricky business and NOT everyone is an expert. To […]