It’s now 2015 and if you haven’t been asked the question by now, it’s about time… How have you embraced the social media phenomenon? Are you in the camp that thinks social media is all meaningless and has no relevance to your business, or are you of a mind that you need to get involved […]
Leveraging Social Media
Social media can be described as those online properties and channels that allow for an ongoing interaction between the content provider and the content recipient. It allows for sharing and collaboration, community based input, sharing, and content dispersion and curation.
Some of the most important social media channels include:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Google+
- LinkedIn
- YouTube
- Pinterest
- and Reddit amongst others.
While social media websites have been around for many years, more recently the use of social media for business has experienced exponential growth.
More specifically social media can help a business:
- gain more exposure
- increase traffic
- generate leads
- reduce other more traditional marketing expenses
- improve sales
- provide a fantastic level of marketplace insight
- develop loyal fans
- increase brand awareness
Not that long ago social media sites and networks were considered a novelty and had a "flash in the pan" aura about them. Today these sites and networks are considered one of the most effective ways for a business to leverage their online marketing efforts.
Quite simply social media is here to stay!
Take Advantage of Facebook in Your Content Marketing With These 4 Great Tips
After creating great content the challenge is to effectively market this content so that it reaches the broadest audience possible. In other words how do we promote it in the best way possible. As we’ve discussed in a previous post, there are many ways to engage a content marketing strategy, and one of the most […]
5 Tips to Market Your Business on Pinterest
In many ways Pinterest is the new kid on the block when it comes to social media. And like all social media that gets traction, it evolves, matures, and develops into a medium that can be very beneficial for businesses wanting to share their message. But also, like most social media, there is a certain […]
Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Business Page With These 7 Tips
Everyone and their dog knows about Facebook and having a Facebook profile. It’s a great avenue to engage as an individual with your friends, family, and wider group of “Facebook friends”. Which begs the question “how does my business engage with customers and other interested parties?” Of course the answer is to build and maintain […]
How to Use Instagram in Your Business
We know that social media is important in sharing and pushing your message to a large audience. A message that takes off virally has an even greater potential for reaching an audience. Having a platform that allows that and being able to implement it effectively can have a massive impact on a business. In many […]
LinkedIn and What You May Be Doing Wrong
The number of social media sites and platforms have proliferated over the last few years. Some have become huge such as Facebook and Twitter, while others have brightly burned and then faded away. The important social media channels tend to stick. People recognise their importance and usefulness. Some grow more important over time and become […]
Social Proof and Working it!
Human Beings are by nature social creatures. We like to seek the power of numbers and the comfort of group consensus. Social anthropologists could probably explain precisely how this power of numbers and social strength was the cornerstone of how our ancestors survived in an often hostile environment. This need for “group”, for social acceptance, […]
Using Social Media to Give Your Clients a Big Thank You!
We all have clients and customers that are good for our business. They are either really nice in their interactions with us, they consistently buy from us, they pass other business our way, or they enhance us in some way. It’s natural to want to thank these customers and show our appreciation, but doing it […]
Do’s and Don’ts of Running a Business on Facebook
Running a successful business should include looking for new opportunities and new technologies to better deliver your products and services. Being able to leverage technology to reach more people is good business, right? Facebook is one such tool that should be considered when you are examining new opportunities to improve or grow your business. In […]
Keep Your Sanity and Plan for Your Social Media Posting
If you are using the power of social media to enhance your online marketing efforts then well done! Give yourself a pat on the back. The importance of social media posting isn’t lost on you, however that is only part of the equation. Regular posting is the next challenge… Okay, so you’ve got a few […]