If you are using the power of social media to enhance your online marketing efforts then well done! Give yourself a pat on the back. The importance of social media posting isn’t lost on you, however that is only part of the equation. Regular posting is the next challenge…
Okay, so you’ve got a few social media accounts, and perhaps have even posted to them a couple of times. So where is this surge of traffic and benefit you were expecting to reap? The truth is that if you aren’t making regular posts and sharing content, in addition to engaging with your followers you won’t make much of an impact.
The problem many companies face is how to find time and what specifically to concentrate on when it comes to social media maintenance. There are a lot of things to keep up with, but with the assistance of some smart tools and an even smarter plan, it is possible.
Let’s look at 5 suggestions for making your social media less of a chore and more of a revenue and lead generating channel.
5 Ways to make your social media maintenance easier
Choose your platforms wisely – You really can’t do justice to your social media when you’re spread too thinly across too many social platforms. You’ll definitely want to look into the major ones, like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn. Even so choose those that make the most sense for your business, and focus on them.
Have an editorial calendar – Scheduling your postings, except for the spur of the moment posts, can take a lot of pressure off of your staff, and help you run social campaigns at the same time. This is also where tools can play a part.
Use cross promotion – Make sure to take full advantage of cross promotion by announcing your social postings to all your channels. This can lead to a larger and wider reach for your content.
Make sure you re-purpose your content – Utilizing your content in various ways on your social media platforms simply makes good sense. A long post can make a number of good snippets, meant to lead readers back to the site where they can read the entire version. You get the idea…
Share other awesome content you find – This is one that your readers will love, and can take a lot of the pressure off of you to come up with great content every day. Share useful and informative bits you come across in your day with your audience. One tip though: be sure it is relevant!
Step one of utilizing the power of social media is recognizing the need for it and setting up the various accounts. Step two however is often where the real challenge begins. That is to make regular postings and contributions to your various social media accounts and channels.
Proper planning and systematization can really help push your social media campaigns into overdrive!