Having knowledge about the performance of your website is incredibly important. Knowing how your visitors are interacting with your site can help you to fine-tune your website for performance, conversion, and usability. Google Analytics allows you to track and analyse all the major visitor metrics that apply to your site. However, using Google Analytics can […]
Traffic and Conversion: Vital to Online Success
There are two absolutely vital components when it comes to online success... Traffic and Conversion.
Generating traffic is step one in achieving success for your website or online venture, and typically the more targeted this traffic is, the more likely the success will be. Whether your traffic comes from organic search, or from paid-for methods such as PPC or PPV, it is necessary in getting eyeballs to your offer, your marketing campaign, your products and services, your announcements, your blog posts, etc., but the second vital component for online success is getting this traffic to convert.
Converting your traffic simply refers to your visitors taking a desired action when they visit your website. For example getting your visitors to click on a link, sign up to a newsletter, opt-in to an email list, purchase a product, call a telephone number, and so on. These conversions are entirely measurable, and when that conversion is factored against traffic, you are left with a conversion rate. Obviously the aim is to have a high as possible conversion rate.
To gain any insights into how your website could be converting better, you need to have the data available showing how your visitors are interacting with your web page, or the various components that make up your page. For example do different colored buttons make a difference, do different headlines convert better, does having a video on your page elicit a better response, or does where you position your opt-in form give you a higher opt-in rate.
So... traffic and conversion go hand-in-hand when considering online success. Being able to measure and test the various components of your web page will allow you to maximize your conversion rate. Tips, tricks, and info about traffic and conversion can be found throughout the following articles.
7 Killer Conversion Tips That Will Make You More Money
You can have a hundred thousand visitors to your webpage, but if none of that traffic converts then it will make no difference to your bottom line. However if you have just 500 visitors with a great conversion rate, then you will make bank. It really is that simple… So it is your conversion rate […]
Which Areas of a Landing Page Should Be Tested?
When it comes to online marketing, a well designed landing page, optimized for the perfect visitor response is vital for our conversion rates. But how do we get to the stage of having a well oiled landing page that converts our web traffic with ease? … We test, then test again, then test some more… […]